Join us this weekend for a Midway Woods Neighborhood Clean-up the weekend of April 23 and 24, 2022

Help us keep the Midway Woods neighborhood looking spick and span by joining us the weekend of April 23 and 24 in collecting litter along our neighborhood streets.

Members of the Midway Woods Association will be at Dearborn Park (at the covered pavilion off Deerwood Drive) from 9 a.m. to 10 am.  on Saturday, April 23  to hand out trash-picking supplies and otherwise marshal our neighborhood forces and direct you towards areas of our neighborhood in particular need of attention. Stop by and say hello and pick up some supplies before heading out on your own street sweep. You are welcome to use your own trash-collecting supplies of course, but we plan to have the following on hand:

  • Reach-it tools/trash pickers
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Trash bags
  • Yard waste bags

Neighbors have noticed signs and other spaces around the neighborhood that have been tagged with graffiti, and we’re wanting to include some graffiti remediation in our clean-up efforts as well. Lacquer thinner and paper towels can work well in removing graffiti – see the following video for a demonstration – If you have lacquer thinner and paper towels on hand, we encourage you to include those items on your equipment list.

You can join in at any point during the weekend! If you’re interested, meet us at the pavilion or head out on your own on Saturday, April 23 or Sunday, April 24, with a trash bag, gloves and other equipment that might help you pick up the litter and trash that tends to accumulate on our neighborhood streets and spend a little bit of time picking up some of that trash.

(We’ll have trash-collecting supplies available throughout the weekend at 1339 Deerwood Drive through the remainder of the weekend if you cannot make it to the park pavilion Saturday morning.)

If you need assistance or are looking for a street that needs some attention, just let us know. We’ll be happy to assist you. Snap photos of yourselves at work and the results of your effort and send it to us if you’re interested in having them featured on the association website.

Let us know where you collect your trash if you need it to be picked up by the county. We can arrange for Dekalb County and Keep Dekalb Beautiful to pick up the bags of trash you collect. Email with the location of any trash bags and we will connect with Keep Dekalb Beautiful to have them collected.

The intent is to make these clean-up events a regular occurrence, and we have tentatively slated the weekends of August 13-14, and November 12-13 as neighborhood clean-ups as well. Email us at to RSVP and for more info.