Join Friends of Dearborn Park and the Dearborn Area Nature Alliance for a special Dearborn Park Cleanup Event on Sunday, November 5th

Volunteers hard at work beautifying Dearborn Park.

Dearborn Park is getting a makeover, and we need your help! Friends of Dearborn Park and Dearborn Area Nature Alliance (DANA) are joining forces for a special cleanup event on Sunday, November 5th, from 10 am to 12 pm. We’ll be tackling two important tasks: clearing out invasive Wisteria and refreshing the mulch around the Azaleas. It’s a great opportunity to give back to your community and help our beautiful park thrive.

Where: Dearborn Park at Midway and Deerwood Drive

When: 10 a.m. to noon on Sunday, November 5

The Battle Against Invasive Wisteria:

You might not realize it, but Wisteria is a sneaky invader. This lovely vine, with its fragrant lavender flowers, might seem harmless, but it’s actually from China and has taken root in our Southeastern landscapes. Wisteria’s rapid growth can smother other plants, even trees, by climbing into their canopy and blocking sunlight. It’s a plant bully! According to the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), Chinese Wisteria can thrive in various conditions, making it a menace to local ecosystems.

Our connection to this invasive vine? Well, Wisteria claimed a couple of shrubs we planted five years ago. It’s time to fight back and reclaim our park!

What We’ll Be Doing:

During the cleanup event, we’ll be spreading fresh mulch around the Azaleas, giving them the TLC they deserve. Plus, we’ll be removing the invasive Wisteria to protect our green friends. Your help is crucial to ensure the park remains a vibrant and welcoming space for everyone to enjoy.

Volunteers at work at Dearborn Park spreading mulch around the Azaleas at the park entrance.

Join Us and Bring Friends:

We can’t do this alone, so we encourage you to bring your friends, family, or coworkers. It’s a fantastic team-building opportunity for corporate groups of 5-10, a fun outing for teenagers, or anyone who simply loves gardening. Let’s make a positive impact on Dearborn Park together!

Refreshments Provided:

We’ve got your energy needs covered. Snacks and drinks will be available during the event to keep you fueled and refreshed.

Mark your calendar for Sunday, November 5th, and help us make Dearborn Park even better. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sign at the entrance of Dearborn Park, with shovels and rakes leaned up against it.