Don’t miss your chance to have some input on the Dekalb County Unified Development Plan: Fill out this survey before August 15

Passing along this message from Dekalb County commissioner for Super District 6 Ted Terry’s office:

All neighbors are invited to fill out the Unified Development Plan Survey. Commissioner Terry is especially looking for input on the transportation feedback map:

Ted points out that “This planning process is the guiding document for the next decade of improvements” so it’s important that we have as much community input as we can.

The survey has been extended until August 15th.

Commissioner Terry is also wanting to work with neighbors interested in being involved in the Unified Development Plan (more information on that plan is included in our recap of the neighborhood’s recent call with Commissioner Terry) and is hoping to set up a planning call with those neighbors interested in working on that plan with his office. If you are interested in being involved in this effort, email us at and we’ll make sure all the interested parties have the opportunity to be involved in that effort. It’s not too late to be involved in this way if you are interested!